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My Inside Voice: 98% vs 2%

Trever Andrew

98% Vs 2%

I have watched for years of people stand up against Oil Companies, Fracking, and Mining Companies, and I have seen Global Water Crisis take a back to those issues. Ignored are the water shortage issues happening.

Every 20 seconds 4 children die because of poor water quality or water shortage that equals 12 children every 1 minute which equals 720 children an hour which equals 17,280 in 24 hrs which equals 518,400 in a month which equals 6,220,800 in a year.

How many children deaths are due to contaminated water from Oil Lines? How many children die from Fracking? How many children die from Mining Companies?

Oil Companies, Fracking Companies, and Mining Companies only make up 2% of Water Crises on this planet and yet receives the biggest platform and attention.

98% of the Global Water Crisis is not being talked about from any of the News Centers, Face Book Live People, or any of the Social Media.

How does the 2% drown out the other 98% of the Global Water Crisis? How?

We are not doing brain surgery; does anyone see the trend besides me? There is water shortage, droughts, cost of water going up, poor quality water, and depleting water resources in all countries and yet how the heck does that 2% drown out the 98%?

We have left a huge mess for the next 1 million generation and why do they have to fix it? Why? They did not create the Global Water Crisis. They were just born and never did nothing wrong but inherit our mistakes?

The statistics speak for themselves love or hate it, argue with yourself about numbers, numbers do not lie.

98% of Water Crisis is not talked about because of the 2%.... love or hate it.

Check out the below links and see for yourself:

2017 Water Crisis In USA

2017 Water Crisis in Canada

2017 Water Crisis in Brazil

2017 Water Crisis in Spain

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